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Unwinding in the Float Tank in Barcelona: A Personal Journey into the Flow State

The float tank in Barcelona at our Inner Flow Studio is our new addition to our holistic approach to help you connect deeper with your mind and body. It is an intimate and powerful experience you can share with yourself, a best friend, or a partner. It is the perfect bonding moment for those with shared relaxation and spiritual goals. 

What to Expect in the Flow Tank

Before entering the float tank, always take a moment to rinse off in the shower attached to the room, especially if you are coming from other areas within the spa. Once you are ready, you will enter into a zone of complete sensory deprivation. You will lie on your back and feel fully suspended. The jets in the pool add gentle movement almost as if you are receiving a warm hug and will help guide you around the pool. 

Float with the Interns

When asked to describe the experience, Christen remarked how it felt like she was floating in the wind. The experience was enhanced for her once she closed her eyes and she describes this moment as when she fully entered her flow state. When she laid down, she was anxious to see how this experience was going to feel. As she acclimated to the environment, she felt her body loosen from all the tension she had before and let her body flow with the jets. The pool takes away all of your senses and time is nonexistent. She felt her thoughts passing by like clouds and not lingering. The jets take you on a spiritual ride to your flow state. She has never experienced this feeling before where she was present with her mind and body. She felt her mind centered and content as normally her thoughts were jumbled. 

Harper felt a similar experience to Christen. Before entering the pool her body felt very tense and stressed. While in the pool, she felt truly zen for the first time in her life. In many meditation sessions before Harper encountered the passing clouds technique. This technique encourages participants to imagine they are lying in a field, looking up at the sky, and viewing their thoughts as passing clouds: coming into view, moving across the sky, and exiting before the participant can dwell on it. However, Harper had never truly experienced this feeling. That was until she was in the pool. As she relaxed into the suspension of the salt water, let her senses leave her, and gently closed her eyes she started to visualize her thoughts as clouds. 

Finishing your Float Session

As you come to the end of the float tank, take a moment to understand yourself and reflect on the experience. You can do so while rinsing off in the shower as it is recommended to rinse off as soon as possible, so the salt doesn’t settle. This is a great meditation method, where you go where your mind takes you. This holistic approach can be the first step in your mindfulness journey. If you want to learn about the float tank in Barcelona at Inner Flow Studios, you can read it on our website. 

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