Política de cookies
Última actualització: 07 de Febrer 2025
Quan visites el nostre lloc web, recollim informació del teu navegador amb l’objectiu de recordar les teves preferències (com configuracions d’idioma o privacitat) i millorar la teva experiència en línia. Aquestes dades ens permeten analitzar patrons d’ús i optimitzar el funcionament del nostre web. Per fer-ho, utilitzem tecnologies com les cookies.
Què són i per a què s’utilitzen?
Les cookies són petits arxius de dades emmagatzemats al teu dispositiu que permeten al nostre lloc web recordar informació sobre la teva navegació. Gràcies a elles, podem millorar la teva experiència d’usuari, facilitant l’accés a funcions personalitzades.
Dades recollides
Utilitzant cookies podem recollir informació com:
- Adreça IP.
- Identificadors únics de cookies i dispositius.
- Tipus de navegador, sistema operatiu i configuració del sistema.
- Pàgines web visitades abans d’accedir al nostre lloc.
- Interacció amb el web (clics, preferències, serveis).
- Temps d’accés i URL de referència.
Comunicació i transferència de dades
Alguns tercers poden recollir informació a través del nostre web mitjançant cookies. El tractament d’aquestes dades es regirà per les seves respectives polítiques de privacitat. Pots consultar més detalls sobre aquests tercers a la taula de cookies disponible en aquesta política. Per obtenir una llista actualitzada dels tercers que accedeixen al teu navegador mitjançant el nostre web, pots instal·lar eines de bloqueig de cookies disponibles per als navegadors més comuns.
Desactivació de cookies
Pots gestionar les teves preferències sobre l’ús de cookies a través del panell de configuració que es troba allotjat a la pàgina web o a través d’aquest enllaç. A més, els navegadors permeten desactivar o eliminar cookies des de la seva configuració. Consulta les instruccions específiques segons el navegador que utilitzis (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Safari per a iOS (iPhone i iPad), Chrome per a Android, Chrome per a iPhone i iPad). També pots inhabilitar les cookies que utilitzem de Google Analytics aquí. Si decideixes desactivar les cookies és possible que no tinguis accés a moltes funcions que fan que la pàgina web sigui més eficient i, per aquest motiu, és possible que alguns dels nostres serveis no funcionin correctament. També és possible que algunes funcionalitats del nostre lloc web no estiguin disponibles o no funcionin de manera òptima.
Tipologia de cookies utilitzades
El nostre web empra els següents tipus de cookies:
a. COOKIES ESTRICTAMENT NECESSÀRIES (NECESSARY): cookies necessàries per al funcionament del lloc web i la utilització dels serveis principals. No es poden desactivar i s’instal·len automàticament.
b. COOKIES DE RENDIMENT / ANALÍTIQUES (PERFORMANCE): cookies utilitzades per proporcionar informació estadística sobre el lloc web. S’utilitzen per mesurar i millorar el rendiment.
c. COOKIES FUNCIONALS (FUNCTIONAL): cookies que serveixen per millorar la funcionalitat i permetre la personalització del lloc web (xats en viu, ús de xarxes socials, etc.).
d. COOKIES PUBLICITÀRIES (ADVERTISING): cookies instal·lades a través del nostre lloc pels nostres socis publicitaris que s’utilitzen per oferir informació comercial/publicitària.
Les nostres Cookies
A continuació, s’inclou una taula informativa amb les cookies utilitzades, la seva finalitat i durada. Aquesta taula s’actualitzarà periòdicament per reflectir els canvis en l’ús de cookies al nostre web. Algunes de les cookies reflectides (les pertanyents al domini (https://engine.spalopia.ap)) només s’instal·laran si accedeixes a determinats serveis com, per exemple, la reserva d’un tractament.
The cookies we use on our website
Updated: 29/01/2025, 09:56
Necessary |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
cookiefirst-consent | This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. | innerflow.es | a year | Cookie First | Cookie |
cookiefirst-consent | This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. | innerflow.es | Persistent | Cookie First | Local storage |
cookiefirst-id | This cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website. | innerflow.es | Persistent | Cookie First | Local storage |
PHPSESSID | Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. | innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
pi | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the site | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
pk | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
sk [2x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 30 minutes | | Cookie |
spvc [2x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 30 minutes | | Cookie |
vk [3x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, analytics.clientify.net, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 2 years | | Cookie |
Klaro | Cookie used to ask users for permission before activating cookies that are not strictly necessary. Remembers your privacy preferences | https://engine.spalopia.app/?config=f1401409-163-web | Session | | Cookie |
Performance |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
_ga | Registers a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. | .innerflow.es | 2 years | Google LLC. | Cookie |
_ga_******** [2x] | This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer. to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. | .innerflow.es | 2 years | Google LLC | Cookie |
utb_first_time | Records the first time you visit the site. Can be used to display special content | 160-f1401409.spalopia.app | Session | Spalopia.app | Cookie |
Functional |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
AWSALBCORS | AWSALBCORS is a cookie used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to distribute the load of traffic across multiple servers. It is a cookie from AWS’ “Application Load Balancer” (ALB) service. | innerflow.virtuagym.com | 7 days | Amazon | Cookie |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | This cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth usage. | .youtube.com | 6 months | YouTube | Cookie |
wp-wpml_current_language | This cookie is used to store language settings for the user. | innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
SSESS09015f40697f20a34a06504a14fcec54 | Its main function is to keep your session active when you log in to the website. It allows the site to remember that you are authenticated without having to ask for credentials on each page you visit | 160-f1401409.spalopia.app | 23 days and 3 hours | Spalopia.app | Cookie |
YSC | Register unique IDs and keep statistics on which videos users have viewed from YouTube. | .youtube.com | Session | YouTube | Cookie |
Advertising |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
_gcl_au | This cookie is set by Google Adsense for experiments with ‘cross-website’ advertising. | .innerflow.es | 3 months | Google LLC | Cookie |
uids | This cookie is used by our Prebid Server demand partners to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those advertisements. | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA | This cookie is used to track and enrich the users privacy settings on Youtube. | .youtube.com | 6 months | Youtube (Google LLC) | Cookie |
Unclassified |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
chatbase_anon_id | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
virtuagym_k | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
virtuagym_lang | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | an hour | | Cookie |
virtuagym_sid | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
virtuagym_u | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
The cookies we use on our website
Updated: 29/01/2025, 09:56
Necessary |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
cookiefirst-consent | This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. | innerflow.es | a year | Cookie First | Cookie |
cookiefirst-consent | This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. | innerflow.es | Persistent | Cookie First | Local storage |
cookiefirst-id | This cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website. | innerflow.es | Persistent | Cookie First | Local storage |
PHPSESSID | Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. | innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
pi | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the site | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
pk | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
sk [2x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 30 minutes | | Cookie |
spvc [2x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 30 minutes | | Cookie |
vk [3x] | This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the website. | innerflow.es, analytics.clientify.net, innerflow.virtuagym.com | 2 years | | Cookie |
Performance |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
_ga | Registers a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. | .innerflow.es | 2 years | Google LLC. | Cookie |
_ga_******** [2x] | This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer. to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. | .innerflow.es | 2 years | Google LLC | Cookie |
Functional |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
AWSALBCORS | AWSALBCORS is a cookie used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to distribute the load of traffic across multiple servers. It is a cookie from AWS’ “Application Load Balancer” (ALB) service. | innerflow.virtuagym.com | 7 days | Amazon | Cookie |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | This cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth usage. | .youtube.com | 6 months | YouTube | Cookie |
wp-wpml_current_language | This cookie is used to store language settings for the user. | innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
YSC | Register unique IDs and keep statistics on which videos users have viewed from YouTube. | .youtube.com | Session | YouTube | Cookie |
Advertising |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
_gcl_au | This cookie is set by Google Adsense for experiments with ‘cross-website’ advertising. | .innerflow.es | 3 months | Google LLC | Cookie |
uids | This cookie is used by our Prebid Server demand partners to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those advertisements. | analytics.clientify.net | 2 years | | Cookie |
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA | This cookie is used to track and enrich the users privacy settings on Youtube. | .youtube.com | 6 months | Youtube (Google LLC) | Cookie |
Unclassified |
Name | Purpose | Domain name | Expiration time | Provider | Type |
chatbase_anon_id | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .innerflow.es | Session | | Cookie |
virtuagym_k | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
virtuagym_lang | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | an hour | | Cookie |
virtuagym_sid | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
virtuagym_u | This cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information. | .virtuagym.com | a year | | Cookie |
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at hello@innerflow.es.