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Política de cookies

Última actualización: 07 de Febrero de 2025

Política de cookies de INNER FLOW STUDIO, S.L.

Al visitar nuestro sitio web, recopilamos información de tu navegador con el objetivo de recordar tus preferencias (como configuraciones de idioma o privacidad) y mejorar tu experiencia online. Estos datos nos permiten analizar patrones de uso y optimizar el funcionamiento de nuestra web. Para ello, utilizamos tecnologías como cookies.


¿Qué son y para qué se utilizan?

Las cookies son pequeños archivos de datos almacenados en tu dispositivo que permiten a nuestro sitio web recordar información sobre tu navegación. Gracias a ellas, podemos mejorar tu experiencia de usuario, facilitando el acceso a funciones personalizadas.

  • Datos recopilados

Al utilizar cookies podemos recoger información como:

  • Dirección IP.
  • Identificadores únicos de cookies y dispositivos.
  • Tipo de navegador, sistema operativo y configuración del sistema.
  • Páginas web visitadas antes de acceder a nuestro sitio.
  • Interacción con la web (clics, preferencias, servicios).
  • Tiempos de acceso y URL de referencia.

Comunicación y transferencia de datos

Algunos terceros podrán recopilar información a través de nuestra web mediante cookies. El tratamiento de estos datos se regirá por sus respectivas políticas de privacidad. Puedes consultar más detalles sobre estos terceros en la tabla de cookies disponible en esta política.

Para obtener un listado actualizado de los terceros que acceden a tu navegador mediante nuestra web, puedes instalar herramientas de bloqueo de cookies disponibles para los navegadores más comunes.

Desactivación de cookies

Puedes gestionar tus preferencias sobre el uso de cookies a través del panel de configuración que se encuentra alojado en la página web o a través del este enlace. Además, los navegadores permiten desactivar o eliminar cookies desde su configuración. Consulta las instrucciones específicas según el navegador que utilices (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Safari para IOS (iPhone y iPad), Chrome para Android, Chrome para iPhone y iPad). También puedes inhabilitar las cookies que utilizamos de Google Analytics aquí.

Si decides desactivar las cookies es posible que no tengas acceso a muchas funciones que hacen que la página web sea más eficiente y, por este motivo, es posible que algunos de nuestros servicios no funcionen correctamente. También es posible que algunas funcionalidades de nuestro sitio web no estén disponibles o no funcionen de manera óptima.

Tipología de cookies utilizadas

Nuestra web emplea los siguientes tipos de cookies:

  • COOKIES ESTRÍCTAMENTE NECESARIAS (NECESSARY): cookies necesarias para el funcionamiento del sitio web y la utilización de los servicios principales. No se pueden desactivar y se instalan automáticamente.
  • COOKIES DE RENDIMIENTO / ANALÍTICAS (PERFORMANCE): cookies utilizadas para proporcionar información estadística sobre el sitio web. Se utilizan para medir y mejorar el rendimiento.
  • COOKIES FUNCIONALES (FUNCTIONAL): cookies que sirven para mejorar la funcionalidad y permitir la personalización del sitio web (chats en vivió, uso de redes sociales, etc).
  • COOKIES PUBLICITARIAS (ADVERTISING): cookies instaladas a través de nuestro sitio por nuestros socios publicitarios que se utilizan para ofrecer información comercial/publicitaria.

Nuestras cookies

A continuación, se incluye una tabla informativa con las cookies utilizadas, su finalidad y duración. Esta tabla se actualizará periódicamente para reflejar los cambios en el uso de cookies en nuestra web. Algunas de las cookies reflejadas (las pertenecientes al dominio (https://engine.spalopia.ap) sólo se instalarán si accedes a determinados servicios como, por ejemplo, la reserva de un tratamiento.

The cookies we use on our website

Updated: 29/01/2025, 09:56


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
cookiefirst-consentThis cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily.innerflow.esa yearCookie FirstCookie
cookiefirst-consentThis cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily.innerflow.esPersistentCookie FirstLocal storage
cookiefirst-idThis cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website.innerflow.esPersistentCookie FirstLocal storage
PHPSESSIDCookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.innerflow.esSessionCookie
piThis cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the siteanalytics.clientify.net2 yearsCookie
pkThis cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the yearsCookie
sk [2x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the, innerflow.virtuagym.com30 minutesCookie
spvc [2x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the, innerflow.virtuagym.com30 minutesCookie
vk [3x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the,, innerflow.virtuagym.com2 yearsCookie
KlaroCookie used to ask users for permission before activating cookies that are not strictly necessary. Remembers your privacy preferences


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
_gaRegisters a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed..innerflow.es2 yearsGoogle LLC.Cookie
_ga_******** [2x]This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer. to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed..innerflow.es2 yearsGoogle LLCCookie
utb_first_timeRecords the first time you visit the site. Can be used to display special content160-f1401409.spalopia.appSessionSpalopia.appCookie


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
AWSALBCORSAWSALBCORS is a cookie used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to distribute the load of traffic across multiple servers. It is a cookie from AWS’ “Application Load Balancer” (ALB) service.innerflow.virtuagym.com7 daysAmazonCookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth monthsYouTubeCookie
wp-wpml_current_languageThis cookie is used to store language settings for the user.innerflow.esSessionCookie
SSESS09015f40697f20a34a06504a14fcec54Its main function is to keep your session active when you log in to the website. It allows the site to remember that you are authenticated without having to ask for credentials on each page you visit160-f1401409.spalopia.app23 days and 3 hoursSpalopia.appCookie
YSCRegister unique IDs and keep statistics on which videos users have viewed from


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
_gcl_auThis cookie is set by Google Adsense for experiments with ‘cross-website’ advertising..innerflow.es3 monthsGoogle LLCCookie
uidsThis cookie is used by our Prebid Server demand partners to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those yearsCookie
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAThis cookie is used to track and enrich the users privacy settings on monthsYoutube (Google LLC)Cookie


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
chatbase_anon_idThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..innerflow.esSessionCookie
virtuagym_kThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie
virtuagym_langThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coman hourCookie
virtuagym_sidThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie
virtuagym_uThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie

The cookies we use on our website

Updated: 29/01/2025, 09:56


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
cookiefirst-consentThis cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily.innerflow.esa yearCookie FirstCookie
cookiefirst-consentThis cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily.innerflow.esPersistentCookie FirstLocal storage
cookiefirst-idThis cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website.innerflow.esPersistentCookie FirstLocal storage
PHPSESSIDCookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.innerflow.esSessionCookie
piThis cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the siteanalytics.clientify.net2 yearsCookie
pkThis cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the yearsCookie
sk [2x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the, innerflow.virtuagym.com30 minutesCookie
spvc [2x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the, innerflow.virtuagym.com30 minutesCookie
vk [3x]This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the,, innerflow.virtuagym.com2 yearsCookie


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
_gaRegisters a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed..innerflow.es2 yearsGoogle LLC.Cookie
_ga_******** [2x]This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer. to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed..innerflow.es2 yearsGoogle LLCCookie


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
AWSALBCORSAWSALBCORS is a cookie used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to distribute the load of traffic across multiple servers. It is a cookie from AWS’ «Application Load Balancer» (ALB) service.innerflow.virtuagym.com7 daysAmazonCookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth monthsYouTubeCookie
wp-wpml_current_languageThis cookie is used to store language settings for the user.innerflow.esSessionCookie
YSCRegister unique IDs and keep statistics on which videos users have viewed from


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
_gcl_auThis cookie is set by Google Adsense for experiments with ‘cross-website’ advertising..innerflow.es3 monthsGoogle LLCCookie
uidsThis cookie is used by our Prebid Server demand partners to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those yearsCookie
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAThis cookie is used to track and enrich the users privacy settings on monthsYoutube (Google LLC)Cookie


NamePurposeDomain nameExpiration timeProviderType
chatbase_anon_idThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..innerflow.esSessionCookie
virtuagym_kThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie
virtuagym_langThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coman hourCookie
virtuagym_sidThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie
virtuagym_uThis cookie has not yet been given a description. Our team is working to provide more information..virtuagym.coma yearCookie


Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra Política de Cookies, contáctenos en